Sunday, November 8, 2009

Paul Washer Shares on the "Shocking Youth Message"

Paul Washer shares his heart about the "Shocking Youth Message" that he preached in Alabama in 2002, including the rather surprising background that led him to preach that message. He also shares his opinions on the state of the church today in America. I'm gonna be honest and say that his "Shocking Youth Message" led me to do a lot of soul searching.

Now, generally, I don't repost stuff that I've already posted before. However, this time, I think I'm gonna make an exception and repost the "Shocking Youth Message," even though I posted it on my blog once before.

I praise God that He has raised up people like Paul Washer, Jim McClarty, John MacArthur and Mark Keilar for these troublesome days when many sections of American Christianity are sliding into apostasy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing message the 'Shocking Youth Message' was/is!

    Bless God for sending us men like this indeed!

    Continue to spread this message, and may the LORD bless you as you seek Him Caleb.

    In Christ,

    Matthew Johnston
