(this was originally a note that I wrote on Facebook on July 5th, 2009)
One thing that I've been watching with growing concern & growing dismay is the increasing influence of the Emergent Church on the campuses of Christian colleges and universities. The Emergents have done fairly well in persuading the younger generation that something has gone wrong with traditional Christianity. Somehow, if you stand for Biblical truth and actually believe what the Bible says, you're a narrow-minded fundamentalist. Furthermore, people like Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Richard Foster, and Tony Campolo are the ones regarded as the future of American Christianity. (God help us if that's the case)
But, what I find disturbing is that these are the same people who are being endorsed on Christian college campuses, DESPITE the fact that they are heretics in some form or another. Rob Bell denies the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, the divine inspiration of Scripture itself, and believes that people in both heaven & hell are forgiven for their sins. McLaren questions the doctrines of hell & the substitutionary atonement, and rejects the idea that when Christ returns, he'll crush His enemies, calling the Christ of wrath & judgment, a "jihadist Jesus." Tony Jones rejects the doctrine of original sin, and believes that homosexuality can be lived in accordance with Christianity. Campolo, in an interview with Shane Claiborne was "wishy-washy" (at best) concerning his belief on "Allah," the God of Islam, and seems to have implied that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Richard Foster isn't even a Christian, but a QUAKER MYSTIC. Why, then, are these people, who so blatantly preach UNBELIEF in cardinal Biblical truths, being endorsed?!?
Many Christian colleges have endorsed books by these people. Some have gone as far as to allowing them speak at their schools. Brian McLaren, in February, spoke at Point Loma Nazarene College in California, and Emergent pastor Doug Pagitt, who is essentially a universalist, along with Tony Jones were invited to speak at Baylor University in Texas. Frankly, I don't care why they were there. Scripture plainly states that "many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist....Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, DO NOT TAKE HIM INTO YOUR HOUSE OR WELCOME HIM. ANYONE WHO WELCOMES HIM SHARES IN HIS WICKED WORK." (2nd John 1:7,9-10)
Now, I've heard debates whether the term "house" is referring to someone's home, or a church, but I think that in this matter it's irrelevant, and I think that this also goes for Christian colleges, as they have taken it upon themselves to submit themselves to Scripture and to Christian orthodoxy. Furthermore, I'm also appalled at the infiltration of contemplative prayer, repackaged Medieval Catholic mysticism into Christian colleges. Such practices as "Lectio Divina" have become commonplace many Christian college campuses. I've heard that Biola University (where a cousin of mine attends) has gone into the contemplative realm at their chapels. Look, as much as I don't like to say it, I believe that the Roman Catholic Church, through the centuries, has gone astray into doctrinal error and apostasy (although I will say that ARE true believers amongst it). So, why on earth, are PROTESTANT universities returning to Catholicism in the name of "spiritual formation?!?" This is actually a matter that touches me personally, as I'm afraid, my OWN school is going down the Emergent/ contemplative route. I've been kind of out of the loop on the issues concerning my own school's involvement in the whole Emergent/ contemplative movement, however, I was SHOCKED today to see the endorsements of books by the likes of Bell, Foster, Pagitt, and Jones.
Then of course, I was totally baffled that my school was using a book by Phyllis Tickle, who already has ties to an EXTREMELY LIBERAL loose-knit Episcopalian group, which preaches HERETICAL DOCTRINES and who rather recently, preached some STRANGE doctrines at Rob Bell's church, including that the so-called "voice of God" had a daughter, that God is both Father & Mother, and that when we take communion, we feed the "God within us." (I hope to, Lord willing, when I return to school in August, to meet with some of the leadership concerning this growing problem)This issue does, however, not necessarily confine itself to Christian colleges, but also to churches and personally, I find it the fruit of the lack of doctrinal preaching going on in churches.
Paul's remark to the Corinthians (& I can almost hear the exapseration in Paul's voice as I read it) quite often reminds me of the modern church: "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough." (2nd Cor. 11:3-5)
Look, I'm going to be honest, and say that I DON'T PARTICULARLY ENJOY calling people out, contrary to what SOME may be TEMPTED to think. I'm even going to go out on a limb and say that in some cases, the leadership is However, that being said, it's pretty VILE and it shows the shabby state of affairs when occasionally, STUDENTS excercise more discernment than staff do concerning what's going on at one's Christian college!!! To make matters worse, I've heard cases of students being marginalized for taking a stand for truth and sound doctrine!!!
This is truly shameful that one can't even let their guard down doctrinally on the campuses of Christian colleges, for fear of being led astray!!!
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