(orginally published as a Facebook note on June 10th, 2009)
In the 1980's, the Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), in the debate between allowing capitalist ideas in the name of economic progresss and prosperity, and adhering to the strict communism adhered to under Mao Zedong, once famously proclaimed that "it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, so long as it catches the mouse." Simply put, the pragmatic Deng was willing to sacrifice strict communist dogma for the sake of economic prosperity. Now, obviously, it worked for China, as she now has one of the greatest economies in the world. However, many churches are adopting similar methods, by that I mean, willing to sacrifice sound doctrine, with disastrous results.
The sad thing is, though, what's going on is an astonishing number of "false converts." But, of course, it's somewhat inevitable, as many of these "churches" are preaching false gospels to begin with and have sacrificed orthodoxy on the altar of "church growth" movements. The world WANTS to hear the "gospel" of positive thinking preached by Robert Schuller. The world WANTS to hear the "gospel" of the American dream preached by Joel Osteen. The world WANTS to hear the "gospel" of good advice preached by Rick Warren. The world WANTS to hear the "gospel" of health and wealth preached by people like "Bishop" T.D. Jakes, Paul and Jan Crouch, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar. What they DON'T WANT to hear is the gospel of Jesus Christ, who preached a message CONTRARY to the ways of the world. Is it any wonder that the world flocks to people like Hinn, Osteen and Warren, and that back in Biblical times, Godly men like Elijiah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, John, and Jesus Christ Himself were persecuted?!?
I mean, what it is, is God on the terms of man, and not on His terms. In fact, I would make the argument that many churches have, rather being houses of worship, become temples to man and his greatness. It's a religion of self-glorification, and occasionally (as in the case of some of the "prosperity gospel" preachers) a religion of self-DEIFICATION. I believe in the SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD and the work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation. However, EVEN IF there was such thing as free will in Salvation, and Arminianism was correct, false converts would still be churned out of many churches. Why? Because, so many of the "converts" are being fed a gospel that puts man at the center of Christianity, and that if you become a Christian, God's going to be like a genie and grant you everything you want. So, basically, they'd be "coming to Christ" under false pretenses, anyway: not because they realized they were sinners and needed to repent, but because, God was going to make their lives perfect. But, anyway, the work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation has tragically been replaced by the efforts of man. Perhaps, one of the greatest and most well-known methods is the so-called "sinners prayer."
Now, what I AM NOT saying is that everyone who prays the "sinner's prayer" is a false convert, nor am I saying that pastors and evangelists, before they preach, are sitting in their offices thinking to themselves "how many false converts can I make today." But, is it not absurd to think that just reciting some words under the idea that you're "sincere" is going to save you? You know, in Islam, Muslim converts, before being accepted into the faith have to recite what's called the "Kalima" which goes "there is no (g)od but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger." Now, many Christians would quite rightfully scoff at using something like that to determine someone's belief or unbelief. However, that's pretty much what's been done with the whole "sinner's prayer." But, what's somewhat telling is the "fruit" of so many professing "Christians" these days. Marsha West, over at the site "Renew America," in a post called "A New Religion Masquerading as Christianity," made a pretty astute observation today, stating that "many who call themselves Christians do not hold to the authority of Scripture. Moreover, they do not understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. These 'Christians' live their lives devoid of God's guidance and wisdom which we glean from His Word." I mean, we have homosexuals and their supporters, like Tony Jones, insisting that their lifestyle can be lived in accordance with Scripture, and in fact, a poll was released that stated that over half of mainline Protestants believed that homosexuality should be accepted.
Just a few days ago, a "Christian" father made the claim that his 9 year-old son is the reincarnation of a World War II era fighter-pilot, and apparently, 21% of Protestants apparently believe in reincarnation. A variety of Emergent gurus like Brian McLaren and Rob Bell reject the authority of Scripture, the list goes on. But, I think what's more common is the worldliness exhibited by many professing Christians. They claim the name of Christ, but, their behavior makes it clear that the fruit of their repentence is rotting in the orchard, and frankly, I'm often scandalized by many of the celebrities who claim to be Christians, yet their actions show otherwise. In fact, I strongly believe that a lot of the hypocrisy complained about by some non-Christians and indeed by other Christians may be the work of false converts. I mean, it's certainly easy to wear the "Christian" label, and too often, American Christianity is like a social club. In fact, my dear friend & brother-in-Christ, Charlie, quite aptly described them as "fad Christians." But, of course, it's not overly surprising that this is happening, as the world has come to control so many churches that are obsessed with relevance.
Regeneration is barely even taught today. No longer is it repent and turn from your wickedness, but you can repent, but still live in your wickedness, anyway.
One final thing. I firmly believe that one DOES NOT lose his or her Salvation. However, that being said, I do think that the doctrine of once-saved-always saved is being grossly misused. No matter what kind of wickedness is committed, or if people leave the faith, they're assured that they're saved just because they made a "decision for Christ" months, years, or even decades previously. Yet, perhaps what pastors and evangelists should alert their listeners of Jesus' parable of the sower & the seed, found in Mark 4:3-20, because, frankly, I see a lot of so-called "converts" who remind me of the first three bunches of seed, which fell on the path, rocky soil, and amongst the thorns.
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